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Our Senses...


Our ears help us listen to the sounds around us


Smell tells us the scent of different things.


Sight helps us see the world around us.


Touch helps us feel if something is soft or hard, rough or smooth.

Vestibular sense

Our vestibular system is our body's sense of movement and balance


Taste helps us know the flavors in what we eat.


Proprioception tells us what position our body is in.


Interoception is the way our body communicates with itself inside.


Sensory processing is the way our brain sorts information from our senses. Sometimes our senses are very sensitive.  Sometimes our senses are not sensitive enough. Occupational therapy can help us learn how organize information or from our senses, or change our environment to make our lives better.


People with hypersensitivity notice a lot of information around them. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. They notice too much. It is hard to figure out what is important to pay attention to. A person with hyper sensitive hearing might turn the volume on the TV very low.  Otherwise, it might be too loud.


Those with typical sensory processing can easily organize information from their senses. They use information from their body to make choices. For example, the TV is too loud so we turn it down.


People with hyposensitivity miss a lot of information around them. They seem to be in their own world. It can be hard to get important information they need. A person with hypo sensitive hearing might need the TV volume to be very loud to hear their show.

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